Monday, July 21, 2008

Hip Hop Chocolates Mission Statement

Hops Communion.

Chocol8 Mission Statement.

Original Hip Hop Chocolate is an L.L.C whose product consists of a series of chocolate sculptures made in the shape of various symbols associated with the hip hop culture. The intention is to create a communion that will help inspire a meditation within the Hip Hop Culture. Similar to the Catholic communion, whose use of symbol association as a meditation on the sacrifice and ideas of Jesus is used to change the psychology and perspective of the consumer. Hip Hop chocolate will provide visual and edible cues as points of meditation. Each piece, representing a different aspect of the Hip Hop culture. Which can be effortlessly associated with the power and influence of that specific facet of the culture. When consumed the symbol is meant to inspire a reflection on how the consumer is contributing to that element on a personal level.
Our goal is to inspire a catalyst for discussion on the evolution of art and culture in the world. How it can be focused and used to edify and refine our community. Through the fabrication of symbols as points of reverence for the hip hop culture. We will be accepted into the Hip Hop Culture as Hip Hops official communion. Making it a tool for meditation as well as a treat for hip hop chocolate connoisseurs literally all over the planet.

For those who don't know, The Use of food as a tool in the creation of symbol systems is not new. Many indigenous people recognized how the Sun played an incredible role in the cultivation of the environment. Farmers were magicians taught by nature to raise life from the earth consistently. By observing and playing by it's rules , we hoped to understand and coexist with Nature. For the initiated, The sun was a metaphor for the source of life itself. For the Uninitiated, The Sun was the source of that food which brought life. Everything that these people consumed from this nature was a gift from the source. From the sun. They lived within this relationship. So when they ate they knew they were eating fruit from the sun, the source. Symbols are everywhere. But in most cases symbols are made by finding some sort of value in a gesture. The catholic communion is an example of how We can create a symbol. According the Bible, Jesus referred to the bread as his flesh. Century's later the communion stands as a ritualized recreation of that night and what it stood for. By recreating the event through symbols or myth you provide an opportunity for meditation.

Original Hip hop Chocolate was inspired by the idea of creating a meditation for the hip hop culture. While the uninitiated Dj nibbles nonchalantly on the delectable texture of confectionery culture, thinking only of the surge of brilliance shifting his soul, the initiated knows that this is a time of action. The initiated knows that Hip Hop is not a toy. Hip Hop is a malnourished beast built by turbulence to illuminate existence through celebration. The initiated Dj sees this chocolate as an opportunity to have a deliberate spiritual experience. She may think about what it actually means to "move the crowd", or "Give the drummer some". How She is contributing personally the culture and why. Original Hip Hop Chocolate is our generations opportunity to meditate on it's power. Power to Dance, Power to speak, Power to peak and get a glimpse at freedom. Our power to grow from the pain as Hip Hop did once at birth. To march it's way into the worlds imagination with a flesh fired warrior spirit. But now we stumble. So I give you Hip Hop chocol8's, The Authentic Gesture. Because everything in hip hop is about achieving that "authentic gesture".

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