Friday, January 16, 2009

West coast Inaugural Ball

We at Hip Hop Chocolates are so proud to be participating in the official or unofficial...not sure West coast Inaugural Ball!
Recently Thomas the messenger and I were approached during art walk on a rare cold night in L.A. where we were set up on the sidewalk. She explained that she loved the concept of the chocolate and invited us to the Ball! We then explained to her that we had actually made a bust of Obama chocolate...Her face lite up and we exchanged information. I don't believe in coincidences. If anything I believe that preparation Inspires coincidence. Other wise...if your not prepared to recognize a coincidence by preparing for one than you wont be able to know when one occurs...

Original HipHop Chocolates™
Date: Jan 13, 2009 4:55 PM

Hip Hop Chocolate has been invited to participate in this incredible once in a life time event!


great article about the event.

http://www. blurt-online. com/news/view/1674/


Kanye Gift Basket

I recently had the privilege of creating a one of a kind Hip Hop Chocolate Gift basket for Kanye West. Thanks to Esthero Who gave it to him recently as a Holiday gift. Unfortunately I mad the mistake of including some local art, stickers and Music. Which left the basket feeling like a promotional package instead of a commissioned gift. I learned that although I live to collaborate and nurture my fellow artists. It does retract from the uniqueness of my own product. I have to take into account the context of each gift. Kanye West does not want to receive a gift basket with other peoples music in it. I want to thank Esthero and apologize for any embarrassment I may have caused. Esthero...if you dont know has recently recorded with Kanye. In my opinion she is the future voice of Pop culture! One of the dopest singers ever dont sleep! And I'm not just saying that because I F*$K Up! LOL

Kanye's Blog on esthero